Balmoral Red Granite - Balmoral Grob - Balmoral Fein Granite Quarry
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, For a restoration project we need a small slab of Balmoral Red Granite 30x30x60cm - 1) do you produce slabs and sell and ship such a small quantity to Austria? 2) would you be so kind and send us a sample of the material polished, please, to see if your material fits to the original part (the original part was built in the 19th century, we don′t know if the material that is quarried today looks the same)? Please contact us for further information and your answer, thank you very much, with kind regards from Austria,
I am looking for Balmoral Red Granite Slabs, Finland Red Granite. Please find attached the required dimensions for, tombstones, kerbs, and Ledger.
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