Brown Granite
( 598 )
Additional Names:Chestnut Brown Granite,Karimnagar Brown Granite,Alliance Brown Granite,Telangana Brown Granite,Dark Tan Granite,Tan Braun Granite,Brown Tan Granite,Tan Brown Blue Granite,English Brown Granite,In China Stone Market:英国棕(黑棕)(Yīngguó Zōng-Hēi Zōng)Chestnut Brown Granite,Karimnagar Brown Granite,Alliance Brown Granite,Telangana Brown Granite,Dark Tan Granite,Tan Braun Granite,Brown Tan Granite,Tan Brown Blue Granite,English Brown Granite,In China Stone Market:英国棕(黑棕)(Yīngguó Zōng-Hēi Zōng)
India -Granite
Additional Names:Granito Marron Cohiba,Cohiba Brown Granite,Antique Brown Granite,Maron Cohiba Granite,Brown Cohiba GraniteGranito Marron Cohiba,Cohiba Brown Granite,Antique Brown Granite,Maron Cohiba Granite,Brown Cohiba Granite
Brazil -Granite
Additional Names:Labrador Antique Brown Granite,Blue Antique Granite,Brown Antic Granite,Brown Antique Granite,Brown Antiq Labrador Granite,Falcon Eye Granite,Labrador Granite,Labrador Antico Granite,Labrador Antik Granite,Lundhs Labrador Antique Granite,Lundhs Antique Granite,Labrador Antiq Granite,In China Stone Market:宝金蓝(Bǎo Jīn Lán),七彩啡珠(Qīcǎi Fēi Zhū)Labrador Antique Brown Granite,Blue Antique Granite,Brown Antic Granite,Brown Antique Granite,Brown Antiq Labrador Granite,Falcon Eye Granite,Labrador Granite,Labrador Antico Granite,Labrador Antik Granite,Lundhs Labrador Antique Granite,Lundhs Antique Granite,Labrador Antiq Granite,In China Stone Market:宝金蓝(Bǎo Jīn Lán),七彩啡珠(Qīcǎi Fēi Zhū)
Norway -Granite
Additional Names:Café Brown Marron,Brazil Caledonia Granite,Ocre Granite Granite,New Caledonia Brown Granite,Crystal Brown Granite,Cafe Royal Granite,Cafe Brown Granite,Gadoli Granite,Ocre Itabira Granite,In China Stone Market:啡水晶(Fēi Shuǐjīng),加多利(Jiā Duōlì)Café Brown Marron,Brazil Caledonia Granite,Ocre Granite Granite,New Caledonia Brown Granite,Crystal Brown Granite,Cafe Royal Granite,Cafe Brown Granite,Gadoli Granite,Ocre Itabira Granite,In China Stone Market:啡水晶(Fēi Shuǐjīng),加多利(Jiā Duōlì)
Brazil -Granite
Additional Names:Chocolate Granite,Chocolate Brown Quartzite,Brown Chocolate Granite,Marrom Chocolate GraniteChocolate Granite,Chocolate Brown Quartzite,Brown Chocolate Granite,Marrom Chocolate Granite
Brazil -Granite
Additional Names:Granito Amarone,Brazil Amarone GraniteGranito Amarone,Brazil Amarone Granite
Brazil -Granite
Additional Names:Himalaya Blue Granite,Himalayan Blue Gandhi Granite,Granite Himalaya,Himalaya Granite,Indian Kinawa Granite,New Himalayan Blue Granite,Himalaya Brown Granite,In China Stone Market:喜马拉雅蓝(Xǐmǎlāyā Lán)Himalaya Blue Granite,Himalayan Blue Gandhi Granite,Granite Himalaya,Himalaya Granite,Indian Kinawa Granite,New Himalayan Blue Granite,Himalaya Brown Granite,In China Stone Market:喜马拉雅蓝(Xǐmǎlāyā Lán)
India -Granite
Additional Names:Pearl Brown Granite,Royal Brown Pearl Granite,Royal Pearl Brown Granite,In China Stone Market:皇室珍珠(Huángshì Zhēnzhū)Pearl Brown Granite,Royal Brown Pearl Granite,Royal Pearl Brown Granite,In China Stone Market:皇室珍珠(Huángshì Zhēnzhū)
China -Granite
Additional Names:Paradise Granite,Paradisio Granite,Paradiso Bash Granite,Paradiso Purple Granite,Paradisso Granite,Pradiso Granite,Paradiso Bush Granite,In China Stone Market:紫彩麻(Zǐ Cǎi Má),幻彩紫(Huàn Cǎi Zǐ)Paradise Granite,Paradisio Granite,Paradiso Bash Granite,Paradiso Purple Granite,Paradisso Granite,Pradiso Granite,Paradiso Bush Granite,In China Stone Market:紫彩麻(Zǐ Cǎi Má),幻彩紫(Huàn Cǎi Zǐ)
India -Granite
Additional Names:Tropical Brown,Tropic Brown Granite,Ghadeer Granite,Naranja Brown Granite,Nayarin Brown Granite,Tropik Brown Granite,Havana Brown Granite,Najran Brown Granite,Askar Brown Granite,Beir Askar Granite,Bis Askar Granite,Bir Askar Brown Granite,Desert Brown Granite,Falcon Brown Granite,Diamond Gold Granite,In China Stone Market:黄金钻(Huángjīn Zuān)Tropical Brown,Tropic Brown Granite,Ghadeer Granite,Naranja Brown Granite,Nayarin Brown Granite,Tropik Brown Granite,Havana Brown Granite,Najran Brown Granite,Askar Brown Granite,Beir Askar Granite,Bis Askar Granite,Bir Askar Brown Granite,Desert Brown Granite,Falcon Brown Granite,Diamond Gold Granite,In China Stone Market:黄金钻(Huángjīn Zuān)
Saudi Arabia -Granite
Additional Names:Dakota Mahogany,Mahogany Dakota Granite,Mahogany Dakota America Granite,Rushmore Mahogany Granite,Select Mahogany Granite,Sunset Mahogany Granite,Brown Velvet Mahogany Granite,Whetstone Mahogany Granite,American Bouquet Granite,Dakota Mahogany Granite,Red Amethyst Granite,In China Stone Market: 红紫晶(Hóng Zǐ Jīng)Dakota Mahogany,Mahogany Dakota Granite,Mahogany Dakota America Granite,Rushmore Mahogany Granite,Select Mahogany Granite,Sunset Mahogany Granite,Brown Velvet Mahogany Granite,Whetstone Mahogany Granite,American Bouquet Granite,Dakota Mahogany Granite,Red Amethyst Granite,In China Stone Market: 红紫晶(Hóng Zǐ Jīng)
United States -Granite
Additional Names:Brown Pearl,Imperial Pearl Granite,Cafe Imperial Granite,Cafe Brown Granite,Coffee Brown GraniteBrown Pearl,Imperial Pearl Granite,Cafe Imperial Granite,Cafe Brown Granite,Coffee Brown Granite
Brazil -Granite
Additional Names:Bash Paradiso Granite,Paradiso Granite,Paradiso Bush Granite,Paradiso Classico GraniteBash Paradiso Granite,Paradiso Granite,Paradiso Bush Granite,Paradiso Classico Granite
India - Granite
Additional Names:Caffe Imperial Brown Granite,Brown Pearl Granite,Cafe Imperiale Granite,Caffee Imperial Granite,Caffe Imperiale Granite,Coffee Imperial Granite,Imperial Cafe Granite,Imperial Coffee Granite,Cafe Boreal Granite,Cafe Imperial Brown Granite,Royal Coffee Granite,In China Stone Market:皇室啡(Huángshì Fēi)Caffe Imperial Brown Granite,Brown Pearl Granite,Cafe Imperiale Granite,Caffee Imperial Granite,Caffe Imperiale Granite,Coffee Imperial Granite,Imperial Cafe Granite,Imperial Coffee Granite,Cafe Boreal Granite,Cafe Imperial Brown Granite,Royal Coffee Granite,In China Stone Market:皇室啡(Huángshì Fēi)
Brazil - Granite
Additional Names:Baltic Brown,Granit Baltic Braun,Baltic Brown Luumaki Granite,Baltic Brown D Granite,Baltic Brown Yd Granite,Baltic Brown V Granite,Baltik Braun Granite,Brown Baltic Granite,Bruno Baltico Granite,In China Stone Market:啡钻(Fēi Zuān)Baltic Brown,Granit Baltic Braun,Baltic Brown Luumaki Granite,Baltic Brown D Granite,Baltic Brown Yd Granite,Baltic Brown V Granite,Baltik Braun Granite,Brown Baltic Granite,Bruno Baltico Granite,In China Stone Market:啡钻(Fēi Zuān)
Finland - Granite
Additional Names:Indian Brown Granite,Cafe Brown Granite,Cofee Brown Granite,Coffee Dark Brown Granite,Coffee Brown,Brown Pearl GraniteIndian Brown Granite,Cafe Brown Granite,Cofee Brown Granite,Coffee Dark Brown Granite,Coffee Brown,Brown Pearl Granite
India - Granite
Additional Names:Blue Antique Granite,Brown Antic Granite,Brown Antic Labrador Granite,Falcon Eye Granite,Labrador Brown Granite,Labrador Antic Granite,Labrador Antico Granite,Labrador Antiqe Granite,Labrador Antique Granite,Spektrolite Brown Granite,Mahogany Blue Granite,Mahogany Blue Eye Granite,In China Stone Market:七彩啡珠(Qīcǎi Fēi Zhū)Blue Antique Granite,Brown Antic Granite,Brown Antic Labrador Granite,Falcon Eye Granite,Labrador Brown Granite,Labrador Antic Granite,Labrador Antico Granite,Labrador Antiqe Granite,Labrador Antique Granite,Spektrolite Brown Granite,Mahogany Blue Granite,Mahogany Blue Eye Granite,In China Stone Market:七彩啡珠(Qīcǎi Fēi Zhū)
Norway - Granite
Additional Names:Brown Antiq Granite,Antique Brown Angola Granite,Marron Antique Angola Granite,Marrom Antique Angola Granite,Labrador Amostra Granite,Spectrolite Brown Angola Granite,Spectrolite Brown Granite,Marron Antiq Granite,Angola Brown Granite,Baobab Brown Granite,Cohiba Brown Granite,Brown Antique GraniteBrown Antiq Granite,Antique Brown Angola Granite,Marron Antique Angola Granite,Marrom Antique Angola Granite,Labrador Amostra Granite,Spectrolite Brown Angola Granite,Spectrolite Brown Granite,Marron Antiq Granite,Angola Brown Granite,Baobab Brown Granite,Cohiba Brown Granite,Brown Antique Granite
Angola - Granite
Additional Names:Antique Brown,Brown Antique Granite,Antiq Brown Granite,Cohiba Brown Granite,Antique Marron Granite,Maron Cohiba Granite,In China Stone Market:古典棕(Gǔdiǎn Zōng)Antique Brown,Brown Antique Granite,Antiq Brown Granite,Cohiba Brown Granite,Antique Marron Granite,Maron Cohiba Granite,In China Stone Market:古典棕(Gǔdiǎn Zōng)
Brazil - Granite
Additional Names:Brown Sucuri Granite,Marron Sucuri GraniteBrown Sucuri Granite,Marron Sucuri Granite
Brazil - Granite
Additional Names:Brown Eyes Blue Granite,Brown Eye Granite,Brown Blue Eyes Granite,Labrador Brown Eyes Granite,Labrador Brown Granite,In China Stone Market:蓝眼睛(Lán Yǎnjīng)Brown Eyes Blue Granite,Brown Eye Granite,Brown Blue Eyes Granite,Labrador Brown Eyes Granite,Labrador Brown Granite,In China Stone Market:蓝眼睛(Lán Yǎnjīng)
Canada - Granite
Additional Names:Copper Brown India Granite,Indian Copper Brown Granite,Copper Golden Brown Granite,India Copper Brown GraniteCopper Brown India Granite,Indian Copper Brown Granite,Copper Golden Brown Granite,India Copper Brown Granite
India - Granite
Additional Names:Casper Brown Granite,Elite Brown Granite,Tan Brown Granite,Chestnut Dark Brown Granite,Chestnut Brown GraniteCasper Brown Granite,Elite Brown Granite,Tan Brown Granite,Chestnut Dark Brown Granite,Chestnut Brown Granite
India - Granite
Additional Names:Persa Brown,Chocolate Bordeaux Granite,Terra Nuova Granite,Antique Persa Brown Granite,Juparana Persa Brown Granite,Granito Cafe Bordeaux,Brown Persa GranitePersa Brown,Chocolate Bordeaux Granite,Terra Nuova Granite,Antique Persa Brown Granite,Juparana Persa Brown Granite,Granito Cafe Bordeaux,Brown Persa Granite
Brazil - Granite
Are there color variations of Namibia's Diabas Omenje Granite?Yes, there are color variations of Namibias Diabas Omenje Granite. The granite typically comes in shades of dark green or black, but there may be variations in the intensity of color, presence of patterns or veins, and overall appearance. Some stones may have lighter or darker patches, flecks of other colors, or different textures, which adds to the beauty and uniqueness of each piece.Read More
Are there color variations of Finland's Amadeus Granite?Yes, there can be variations in the color of Finlands Amadeus Granite. The base color of Amadeus Granite is typically a light grey or white, but it can also have varying shades of pink, brown, or black minerals scattered throughout the stone. These natural variations in color are due to the different mineral compositions and geological formations that occur during the granites formation process. Each slab of Amadeus Granite can have its own unique combination of colors and patterns, making it a sought-after choice for countertop and flooring applications.Read More
Do fruit juices stain the surface of Sunset Gold Granite table top?Fruit juices can potentially stain the surface of Sunset Gold Granite if left on the table top for an extended period of time. It is important to clean up spills promptly to prevent staining. Additionally, using coasters or placemats under glasses and plates can help protect the surface of the granite table top from potential stains.Read More
Can India's Lotus Green Granite be used in landscaping?Yes, Indias Lotus Green Granite can be used in landscaping. It is a durable and versatile natural stone that is commonly used for various landscaping applications such as paving, walkways, retaining walls, garden edging, and decorative features. Its attractive green color with specks of grey and black adds an aesthetic appeal to outdoor spaces. Additionally, its resistance to weathering and low maintenance requirements make it a popular choice for landscaping projects.Read More
Can India's P White Granite be used exterior applications in hot climates?Yes, Indias P White Granite can be used for exterior applications in hot climates. Granite is a durable and heat-resistant natural stone that is suitable for outdoor use. It can withstand high temperatures and is not affected by extreme weather conditions such as UV rays, direct sunlight, or heat. Additionally, granite is resistant to staining, scratching, and fading, making it an ideal choice for outdoor surfaces in hot climates.Read More
Can Brazil's Manhattan Granite be used in landscaping?Yes, Brazils Manhattan Granite can be used in landscaping. The durable and versatile nature of this granite makes it suitable for various landscaping applications. It can be used for pathways, driveways, patios, outdoor stairs, retaining walls, and decorative features such as fountains or benches. Its elegant appearance, with a range of gray tones and distinctive veining, can add a sophisticated touch to any landscaping project. Additionally, granite is known for its resistance to weathering and staining, making it a long-lasting and low-maintenance choice for outdoor use.Read More
Can India's Volcano Red Granite be used in landscaping?Yes, Indias Volcano Red Granite can be used in landscaping. This type of granite is known for its beautiful and vibrant red color, which adds a bold and distinctive element to landscaping projects. It can be used for various purposes, such as walkways, patio flooring, retaining walls, garden borders, and decorative accents. The durability and strength of this granite make it suitable for outdoor applications, as it can withstand harsh weather conditions and regular foot traffic. Additionally, its unique texture and natural patterns make it visually appealing and enhance the overall aesthetics of the landscape.Read More
Can Canada's Red Deer Brown Granite be used exterior applications in hot climates?Yes, Canadas Red Deer Brown Granite can be used for exterior applications in hot climates. It is a durable and high-quality stone that can withstand extreme temperatures, making it a popular choice for outdoor projects such as cladding, paving, and landscaping. Additionally, it has a low porosity, so it is highly resistant to water absorption, making it an excellent choice for humid environments. However, it is important to properly seal and maintain the granite to ensure its longevity and performance in all weather conditions.Read More
What are the common sizes of Rosa Beta Granite cobble stones?The common sizes of Rosa Beta Granite cobble stones can vary depending on the supplier or manufacturer. However, typical sizes for Rosa Beta Granite cobble stones range from: - Small: 4x4 inches (10x10 cm) - Medium: 6x6 inches (15x15 cm) - Large: 8x8 inches (20x20 cm) - Extra large: 10x10 inches (25x25 cm) or bigger Again, please note that these sizes may vary and its best to check with the specific supplier or manufacturer for their available options.Read More
What is the average thickness of a Silver Clouds Granite bench?The average thickness of a Silver Clouds Granite bench is typically around 1.25 inches to 1.5 inches.Read More
What is the coefficient of friction of Water Jet Cut Brazil's Crazy Horse Granite tiles?The coefficient of friction of Water Jet Cut Brazils Crazy Horse Granite tiles can vary depending on various factors such as the type and finish of the tile, the surface it is being used on, and the presence of any additional coatings or treatments. It is recommended to check with the specific manufacturer or supplier of the tiles for accurate and up-to-date information on the coefficient of friction for their product.Read More
Can China's G664 Granite be used in landscaping?Yes, Chinas G664 Granite can be used in landscaping. G664 Granite is a type of pink granite that is commonly used in construction and landscaping projects. It is known for its durability, weather resistance, and aesthetic appeal. It can be used for various landscaping purposes such as paving, pathways, stepping stones, garden walls, decorative elements, and outdoor furniture. Its natural beauty and color variations make it a popular choice for adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to outdoor spaces.Read More
Does Chestnut Brown Granite patio floor need to be sealed?Yes, it is recommended to seal Chestnut Brown Granite patio floors to enhance their durability and longevity. Sealing helps to protect the stone from stains, moisture, and other damage, and can also enhance the color and shine of the granite. It is best to consult with a stone professional or supplier for specific care and sealing instructions for the Chestnut Brown Granite patio floor.Read More
Is Brazil's Bianco Antico Granite an expensive stone?I cannot access up-to-date information regarding market prices as it constantly changes. However, Bianco Antico Granite is generally considered a medium-priced granite, it is not as expensive as some rare or exotic granites, but it is also not the cheapest option available. The pricing will depend on various factors such as location, slab size, supplier, and demand.Read More
How thick is Brazil's Cream Flakes Granite slabs?The thickness of Brazils Cream Flakes Granite slabs can vary depending on the specific slab and the supplier. However, common thicknesses for granite slabs range from 2 centimeters (0.75 inches) to 3 centimeters (1.25 inches).Read More
Are there color variations of Spain's Silvestre Granite?Yes, there are color variations of Spains Silvestre Granite. Silvestre Granite is known for its grayish background color with small black and brown minerals scattered throughout. However, there can be variations in the intensity of the colors and the patterns within the stone. Some variations may have more prominent black or brown minerals, while others may have more subtle tones. It is always recommended to view and select the actual slab of granite to ensure that the desired color and pattern variations are achieved.Read More
Are there color variations of India's Chhatarpur Red Granite?Yes, there can be slight variations in the shade of Chhatarpur Red Granite due to natural variations in the composition of the stone. Some slabs may appear darker or lighter than others. However, the overall color of the stone is a deep and rich red with black and grey flecks.Read More
How much does 1 inch thick granite weight?The weight of 1 inch thick granite can vary depending on the specific type and density of the granite. On average, granite has a density of about 2.75 grams per cubic centimeter or 165 pounds per cubic foot. Therefore, a 1 inch thick granite slab measuring 1 foot by 1 foot would weigh approximately 13.75 pounds.Read More
Can Brazil's Panafragola Granite be used in wall coverings?Yes, Brazils Panafragola Granite can be used in wall coverings. Granite is a popular material for wall coverings due to its durability, versatility, and aesthetic properties. Panafragola Granite, specifically, originates from Brazil and is known for its unique pattern and color variations, making it suitable for various interior and exterior applications, including wall coverings.Read More
What backsplash goes well with Green Gold Granite?When selecting a backsplash for Green Gold granite, you want to choose something that complements the natural beauty and color variations of the countertop. Here are a few options that could work well: 1. Subway Tile: A classic choice, white subway tile offers a simple and clean look that allows the green and gold tones of the granite to stand out. You can also consider using a subway tile in a soft green or gold shade to create a cohesive and coordinated look. 2. Mosaic Glass Tile: For a more modern and vibrant look, consider using mosaic glass tiles in shades of green or gold. The reflective properties of the glass will add depth and shimmer to the kitchen, enhancing the natural beauty of the granite. 3. Tumbled Travertine: If you prefer a more earthy and rustic appearance, tumbled travertine tiles in shades of beige or cream can complement the warm tones of Green Gold granite. The textured surface of the travertine will add visual interest without overpowering the countertop. 4. Stainless Steel: For a sleek and contemporary look, consider a stainless steel backsplash. The cool tones of the stainless steel will contrast nicely with the warm green and gold of the granite, creating a modern and stylish kitchen. Ultimately, the choice of backsplash will depend on your personal style and the overall design of the kitchen. Its a good idea to obtain samples of the materials you are considering and compare them with the granite countertop to see which combination appeals to you the most.Read More