- Stone Blocks (1)
- Stone Tiles & Slabs (420)
- Interior Stone Products (58)
- Countertops, Wash Basins (119)
- Sculptures, Wall Reliefs (8)
- Wall Stone, Column, Stair (34)
- Gravestones, Headstones (37)
- Landscaping Stones, Pavers (24)
- Artificial Stone Tiles & Slabs (235)
- Artificial Stone Decor, Mosaic, Furniture (2)
- Artificial Stone Countertops, Sinks (3)
As one of the leading manufacturers ,importers and exporters of stone products, Xiamen Xinhaolei Stone Co., Ltd and Xiamen Xinhaolei Import&Export Co.,Ltd have been established as a professional stone team since the 1990s.
Until now the team has achieved rich experience in stone mining, processing, importation and exportation. With several domestic and overseas stone quarries and processing factories, we are committed to supplying quality stone products such as tiles, slabs, cut-to-size, skirting, countertops, vanity tops, stairs, sinks, paving stones, mosaics, tombstones, claddings, carvings and so on.
Beside the nice stone resource, the team is also dedicated to the strict QC control system, which is implemented since the order is given until loaded well in containers; perfect service is also with you since you are known by us.
Our goal is to make our team being a part of yours! So we keep learning and working hard all the time to discover the new idea of stones or related material to perfect the products system so that the customers’ satisfaction can be met with the changes of the time.
With your trust and support and our diligent work, anything is possible!