Lightweight Porcelain Honeycomb Panels for Exterior Building Cladding
Min Order : 20FCL Other
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Eatablished :Oct 21,2015
Main Product:
- Metal Honeycomb Panels, Natural Stone Honeycomb Panel, Porcelain Honeycomb Panels, BrickComb (patent Pending), Furniture(Table Tops, Etc), Translucent Stone Panels
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Buyers' Request
I am looking for Lightweight Porcelain Honeycomb Panels for Exterior Building Cladding. Good morning, we are importers - distributors and we want all the offers you have. If customers want to order we need to know prices with photo, thickness and size.
I am looking for Lightweight Honeycomb Panels for the construction industry Please can you let me know if you can supply 8mm thick honeycomb and stone together (3/4mm of stone and 4/5mm of honeycomb backing) I am looking for panels 250 x 70cm Thanks

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