Cinzento Alpendurada - Cinza Alpendurada granite Quarry
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GNT - Granitos do Norte Lda
Eatablished :Dec 30,1989
Main Product:
- Paving, Wall Cladding, Urban Furniture, Landscaping, Amarelo Mondim, Cinzento Alpendurada
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Hello, I'm looking for granite suppliers in Europe who can provide us with a range of finished products in different granite colours. Thanks
Boa tarde Sr Jose, O meu nome e Ricardo, gostaria de saber se tem disponibilidade para fazer uma encomenda de cladding stone, walling stone e tambem paving stone para uma moradia que estou a construir na ilha da Madeira. Muito obrigado Ricardo Miguel
Hello, I’m owner of polish production company dealing with stones all around the world. Currently I’m looking for good quality grey granite blocks. Do you have this on stock? What will be the price? Could you send me some pictures of it? What about the transport to Poland? Do you maybe some experience with that?
Mr ***Wrote:
To whom it may concern, I am looking to source around 200m^3 of grey granite kerb pieces of rough dimensions 3000x150x50mm for external use. These require no treatment. I would be curious to receive a cost estimation for the material and delivery to the area of Campanh? in Porto. Any infrmation you can provide me with would be greatly appreciated. Yours sincerely,
I am looking for Cinzento de Satao or similar. Various type of building stones, all from block step to cube stones. I would think quantity will be around 100 ton/quarter.

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