Serpeggiante Marble, Biancone and Bronzetto Marbles Quarry
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Di Nunzio Marmi
Eatablished :Sep 30,1993
Main Product:
- Serpeggiante, Biancone, Bronzetto, Wooden Marble, Beige Marble, Bronze Marble
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hello sir,im in need of serpeggiante,quantity is 30000 sqm,pls contact me
please send me email tnx
Dear sirs , Please let us have your best price for a very SOLID beige unpolished marble 60x30x2 over 20.000M2. best regardes Antonio Filolias
I am looking for Serpeggiante Marble slabs for a project.
I am working on a project that will require the following material and I hope that you can provide this. If yes can you send pricing to me . Serpeggiante marble vein cut. 12" x 24" x 3/8". Approximate size of order is 20,000 sft. Also need to have quarry cut into 5 x 6 x 3/8 (eased edge on one 6" side)- 8500 pieces. Need same material is 2cm slabs - order will be 100 slabs. Material must be delivered before April 1, 2014 to the U.S.- port of Miami thank you for your reply Best regards, Matt
I am looking for Serpeggiante Marble Blocks. Advise me the price of blocks.
Dear Sir, I am interested to buy block of serpegiante, could u let me know the blocks price ? But i want without any defected, no cracks and waterline/crystal line. Can u let me know the size of blocks. Advise me asap.
I am looking for Serpeggiante Marble Quarry.
Good morning, our company is engaged in civil works projects and marketing of building materials in Venezuela (South America). We are in search of a supplier of porcelain, marble, granite, faucets, sanitary items and others.They could send the technical characteristics of their material. Please, kindly provide: FOB price per piece or square meter Minimum order quantity I would appreciate your early reply in advance. Sincerely, Eng Jenny Caolo

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