Afyon Violet Marble

Hardness (mohs) : 3,5
Unit Volume Weight: (gr/cm3) : 2,41
Density (gr/cm3) : 2,73
Water Absortion at Atmospheric Pressure
by weight (%) : 2,6
by volume (%) : 6,3
Water Absortion at Boiling Water
by weight (%) : 4,0
by volume (%) : 9,5
Prosity: (%) : 6,3
Compressive Strenght: Kgf/cm2 : 500
Compressive Strenght After Freezing:Kgf/cm3 : 520
Strenght to Blow: Kgf/cm2 : 3
Strenght to Bending: Kgf/cm2 : 127
Modules of Elasticity: Kgf/cm3 : 18,46x104
Ratio of Fullnes: (%) : 88,3
Degree of Pores: (%) : 11,7
Avarge Arasion Strenght: (cm3/50cm3) : 54,59
Avarge Tensile Strenght: Kgf/cm2: : 386,26

Is Turkey's Afyon Violet Marble an expensive stone?

What is the coefficient of friction of Water Jet Cut Turkey's Afyon Violet Marble tiles?

Can Turkey's Afyon Violet Marble be used in heavy use areas?

What grade is Turkey's Afyon Violet Marble?

Are there color variations of Turkey's Afyon Violet Marble?

Can Turkey's Afyon Violet Marble be used outdoors?

Can Turkey's Afyon Violet Marble be used in a office?

Can Turkey's Afyon Violet Marble be used exterior applications in cold climates?
Alimoglu Mermer Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. - Alimoglu Marble
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Alimoglu Mermer Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. - Alimoglu Marble
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Win Stones Marbles & Travertines
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Win Stones Marbles & Travertines
2YRDiamond members are premium members on platform, providing members with comprehensive approach to promoting their products, increasing products exposure and investment return to maximize.
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Win Stones Marbles & Travertines
2YRDiamond members are premium members on platform, providing members with comprehensive approach to promoting their products, increasing products exposure and investment return to maximize.
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1YRDiamond members are premium members on platform, providing members with comprehensive approach to promoting their products, increasing products exposure and investment return to maximize.
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6YRDiamond members are premium members on platform, providing members with comprehensive approach to promoting their products, increasing products exposure and investment return to maximize.
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The request includes: 1. surface finished, size 2. quantity required