( 6,628 )
Additional Names:Dallas Branco Granite,Branco Dallas Granite,White Dallas Granite,Granito Aguia Branca,In China Stone Market:达拉斯白麻(Dálāsī Bái Má)Dallas Branco Granite,Branco Dallas Granite,White Dallas Granite,Granito Aguia Branca,In China Stone Market:达拉斯白麻(Dálāsī Bái Má)
Brazil -Granite
Additional Names:Bianca Romano Granite,Bianco Roma Granite,Blanco Romano Granite,Branco Romano Granite,Romano White Granite,Roman White Granite,In China Stone Market:罗马白(Luómǎ Bái)Bianca Romano Granite,Bianco Roma Granite,Blanco Romano Granite,Branco Romano Granite,Romano White Granite,Roman White Granite,In China Stone Market:罗马白(Luómǎ Bái)
Brazil -Granite
Additional Names:Bianco Copenhagen Granite,Copenhagen Quartzite,In China Stone Market:花千树(Huā Qiān Shù)Bianco Copenhagen Granite,Copenhagen Quartzite,In China Stone Market:花千树(Huā Qiān Shù)
Brazil -Granite
Additional Names:Chita White Granite,Cheeta White Granite,Jaguar White Granite,Branco Cotton Granite,Blanco Algodon Granite,White Cotton Granite,Cotton White,Granito Branco Ceara,Ceara White GraniteChita White Granite,Cheeta White Granite,Jaguar White Granite,Branco Cotton Granite,Blanco Algodon Granite,White Cotton Granite,Cotton White,Granito Branco Ceara,Ceara White Granite
Brazil -Granite
Additional Names:Black Assoluto Granite,Absolute Black Zimbabwe Granite,Black Zimbabwe Granite,Negro Zimbabwe Granite,Nero Assoluto Z Granite,Nero Zimbabwe Granite,Noir Zimbabwe Granite,Zimbabwe Granite,Zimbabwe Black Granite,Zimbabwe-Black Granite,Absolute Black GraniteBlack Assoluto Granite,Absolute Black Zimbabwe Granite,Black Zimbabwe Granite,Negro Zimbabwe Granite,Nero Assoluto Z Granite,Nero Zimbabwe Granite,Noir Zimbabwe Granite,Zimbabwe Granite,Zimbabwe Black Granite,Zimbabwe-Black Granite,Absolute Black Granite
Zimbabwe -Granite
Additional Names:Cosmos Black Granite,Fusion Granite,Fusion Black Granite,Taurus Black Granite,Black Taurus Granite,Black Cosmos Granite,Magma Gold Granite,In China Stone Market:铄石流金(Shuò Shí Liú Jīn)Cosmos Black Granite,Fusion Granite,Fusion Black Granite,Taurus Black Granite,Black Taurus Granite,Black Cosmos Granite,Magma Gold Granite,In China Stone Market:铄石流金(Shuò Shí Liú Jīn)
Brazil -Granite
Additional Names:Chamrajnagar Black Granite,Indian Dense Black Granite,Indian Jet Black,Absolute Black Granite,Nero Assoluto Granite,Karnataka Black GraniteChamrajnagar Black Granite,Indian Dense Black Granite,Indian Jet Black,Absolute Black Granite,Nero Assoluto Granite,Karnataka Black Granite
India -Granite
Additional Names:Valley White Granite,River Valley White Granite,White River Granite,Thunder White Granite,New River White GraniteValley White Granite,River Valley White Granite,White River Granite,Thunder White Granite,New River White Granite
India -Granite
Additional Names:Lemur Blue Granite,Granit Bleue Lemur,Blue Lemure Granite,Madagascar Blue Granite,Lemurian Blue Labradorite Granite,Labradorite Blue Granite,Labradorite Blue Australe Granite,Labradorite River Blue Granite,Lemurian Azul GraniteLemur Blue Granite,Granit Bleue Lemur,Blue Lemure Granite,Madagascar Blue Granite,Lemurian Blue Labradorite Granite,Labradorite Blue Granite,Labradorite Blue Australe Granite,Labradorite River Blue Granite,Lemurian Azul Granite
Madagascar -Granite
Additional Names:Bianco Sardo,Granito Bianca Sardo,Granito Bianco Di Sardi,Bianco Sarda Granite,Bianco Sardegna Granite,Bianco Sardo Italy Granite,Granit Blanc Sarde,Granito Blanco Sardo,Ovodda Granite,Sardo Bianco Granite,Sardinian White Granite,Grigio Sardegna Granite,Grigio Sardo Champagne Granite,Grigio Perlato Sardo Granite,Grigio Sardo Budduso Granite,Gris Sardegna Granite,Granito Grigio Di Sardegna,Gray Sardo Granite,Sardina Grey Granite,Sardinia Gray Granite,Sardinian Grey Granite,Sardo Grey Granite,Granito Sardo Grigio,In China Stone Market:萨丁白(Sà Dīng Bái)Bianco Sardo,Granito Bianca Sardo,Granito Bianco Di Sardi,Bianco Sarda Granite,Bianco Sardegna Granite,Bianco Sardo Italy Granite,Granit Blanc Sarde,Granito Blanco Sardo,Ovodda Granite,Sardo Bianco Granite,Sardinian White Granite,Grigio Sardegna Granite,Grigio Sardo Champagne Granite,Grigio Perlato Sardo Granite,Grigio Sardo Budduso Granite,Gris Sardegna Granite,Granito Grigio Di Sardegna,Gray Sardo Granite,Sardina Grey Granite,Sardinia Gray Granite,Sardinian Grey Granite,Sardo Grey Granite,Granito Sardo Grigio,In China Stone Market:萨丁白(Sà Dīng Bái)
Italy -Granite
Additional Names:Persa White Granite,Persian Pearl White Granite,Persian White Pearl Granite,Persa Pearl White GranitePersa White Granite,Persian Pearl White Granite,Persian White Pearl Granite,Persa Pearl White Granite
Brazil -Granite
Additional Names:Bacuo White Granite,Balma Grey Granite,Padang Light Granite,Sesame White Granite,Sesame Grey Granite,Sesame Gray Granite,Padang White Granite,Bianco Amoy Granite,Bianco Crystal Granite,Bianco Gamma Granite,Blanco Gamma Granite,China Cristall Granite,China Grey Granite,China Grey Sardo Granite,Crystal Grey Granite,Gamma Bianco Granite,Gamma White Granite,Ice Cristall Granite,Jinjiang Bacuo White Granite,Jinjiang White Granite,Monte Bianco Granite,Mountain Grey Granite,Padang Crystal Granite,China Barre Grey Granite,Barre Gray Granite,In China Stone Market:芝麻白(巴厝白)(Zhīma Bái (Ba Cuò Bái)),芝麻灰(Zhīma Huī)Bacuo White Granite,Balma Grey Granite,Padang Light Granite,Sesame White Granite,Sesame Grey Granite,Sesame Gray Granite,Padang White Granite,Bianco Amoy Granite,Bianco Crystal Granite,Bianco Gamma Granite,Blanco Gamma Granite,China Cristall Granite,China Grey Granite,China Grey Sardo Granite,Crystal Grey Granite,Gamma Bianco Granite,Gamma White Granite,Ice Cristall Granite,Jinjiang Bacuo White Granite,Jinjiang White Granite,Monte Bianco Granite,Mountain Grey Granite,Padang Crystal Granite,China Barre Grey Granite,Barre Gray Granite,In China Stone Market:芝麻白(巴厝白)(Zhīma Bái (Ba Cuò Bái)),芝麻灰(Zhīma Huī)
China - Granite
Additional Names:White Aspen Granite,Branco Aspen GraniteWhite Aspen Granite,Branco Aspen Granite
Brazil - Granite
Additional Names:G654 Black Granite,G3554 Granite,Sesame Black Granite,Changle Pingnan Sesame Black Granite,Charcoal Black Granite,China Impala Granite,China Jasberg Granite,China Nero Impala Granite,Dark Barry Grey Granite,Dark Grey Granite,Flake Grey Granite,Black Impala China Granite,Nero Impala China Granite,New Impala Granite,New Jasberg Granite,Padang Dark Granite,Padang Scuro Granite,Palladio Dark Granite,Padang Dunkel Granit,Pepperino Dark Granite,Pingnan Sesame Black Granite,Pingnan Zhima Hei,In China Stone Market:芝麻黑(Zhīma Hēi)G654 Black Granite,G3554 Granite,Sesame Black Granite,Changle Pingnan Sesame Black Granite,Charcoal Black Granite,China Impala Granite,China Jasberg Granite,China Nero Impala Granite,Dark Barry Grey Granite,Dark Grey Granite,Flake Grey Granite,Black Impala China Granite,Nero Impala China Granite,New Impala Granite,New Jasberg Granite,Padang Dark Granite,Padang Scuro Granite,Palladio Dark Granite,Padang Dunkel Granit,Pepperino Dark Granite,Pingnan Sesame Black Granite,Pingnan Zhima Hei,In China Stone Market:芝麻黑(Zhīma Hēi)
China - Granite
Additional Names:Sadarahalli Gray Granite,Sadar Ali Grey Granite,Sadar Ali Gray Granite,Sadharhali Grey Granite,Sadarahali Grey Granite,Sadar Ali Granite,Sadarahalli Grey GraniteSadarahalli Gray Granite,Sadar Ali Grey Granite,Sadar Ali Gray Granite,Sadharhali Grey Granite,Sadarahali Grey Granite,Sadar Ali Granite,Sadarahalli Grey Granite
India - Granite
Additional Names:Verde Ubatuba,Verde Uba Tuba Granite,Green Ubatuba Granite,Ubatuba Granite,Verde Bahia Granite,Ubatuba Green Granite,Uba Tuba Granite,Verde Ubatuba Light Granite,Bahia Green Granite,Granito Verde Ubatuba,Labrador Green Granite,Ubatuba Gold Granite,Verde Amazonas Granite,Verde Amazonia Granite,Verde Minas Granite,Verde Ubatuba Gold Granite,In China Stone Market:墨绿麻(Mòlǜ Má)Verde Ubatuba,Verde Uba Tuba Granite,Green Ubatuba Granite,Ubatuba Granite,Verde Bahia Granite,Ubatuba Green Granite,Uba Tuba Granite,Verde Ubatuba Light Granite,Bahia Green Granite,Granito Verde Ubatuba,Labrador Green Granite,Ubatuba Gold Granite,Verde Amazonas Granite,Verde Amazonia Granite,Verde Minas Granite,Verde Ubatuba Gold Granite,In China Stone Market:墨绿麻(Mòlǜ Má)
Brazil - Granite
Additional Names:Ap Black Galaxy Granite,Black Galaxi Granite,Black Star Granite,Galaxi Black Granite,Galaxy Black Granite,Galaxy Gold Granite,Galaxy Star Granite,Gold Star Galaxy Granite,Nero Galaxy Granite,Nero Star Galaxi Granite,Nero Star Galaxy Granite,Star Galaxi Granite,India Black Gold Granite,In China Stone Market: 黑金沙(Hēi Jīnshā)Ap Black Galaxy Granite,Black Galaxi Granite,Black Star Granite,Galaxi Black Granite,Galaxy Black Granite,Galaxy Gold Granite,Galaxy Star Granite,Gold Star Galaxy Granite,Nero Galaxy Granite,Nero Star Galaxi Granite,Nero Star Galaxy Granite,Star Galaxi Granite,India Black Gold Granite,In China Stone Market: 黑金沙(Hēi Jīnshā)
India - Granite
Additional Names:Amazon Black Granite,Forest Black Granite,Lava Vechia Granite,Silver Paradiso GraniteAmazon Black Granite,Forest Black Granite,Lava Vechia Granite,Silver Paradiso Granite
Brazil - Granite
Additional Names:White Colonial Granite,Buckingham White Granite,New Imperial White Granite,Platinum White Granite,Indian Bianco Romano GraniteWhite Colonial Granite,Buckingham White Granite,New Imperial White Granite,Platinum White Granite,Indian Bianco Romano Granite
India - Granite
Additional Names:G3564 Granite,Luna Pearl Granite,Luoyuan Bainbrook Brown Granite,Black Spots Brown Granite,Copper Brown Granite,Fu Rose Granite,Loyuan Red Granite,Luo Yuan Violet Granite,Luoyuan Violet Granite,Majestic Mauve Granite,Misty Brown Granite,Purple Pearl Granite,China Ruby Red Granite,Sunset Pink Granite,Tea Brown Granite,Vibrant Rose Granite,Violet Granite,In China Stone Market:罗源紫罗红(Luō Yuán Zǐ Luó Hóng),罗源红(Luōyuánhóng)G3564 Granite,Luna Pearl Granite,Luoyuan Bainbrook Brown Granite,Black Spots Brown Granite,Copper Brown Granite,Fu Rose Granite,Loyuan Red Granite,Luo Yuan Violet Granite,Luoyuan Violet Granite,Majestic Mauve Granite,Misty Brown Granite,Purple Pearl Granite,China Ruby Red Granite,Sunset Pink Granite,Tea Brown Granite,Vibrant Rose Granite,Violet Granite,In China Stone Market:罗源紫罗红(Luō Yuán Zǐ Luó Hóng),罗源红(Luōyuánhóng)
China - Granite
Additional Names:Madagascar Labradorite Blue Granite,Labradorite Blue Green Granite,Labradorite Madagaskar Granite,Labradorite Green Granite,Tsoa Pearl Granite,Labradorite Blue Flower Granite,Labradorite Azul Granite,Madagascar Labradorite GraniteMadagascar Labradorite Blue Granite,Labradorite Blue Green Granite,Labradorite Madagaskar Granite,Labradorite Green Granite,Tsoa Pearl Granite,Labradorite Blue Flower Granite,Labradorite Azul Granite,Madagascar Labradorite Granite
Madagascar - Granite
Additional Names:Volga Black Granite,Blue Volga Granite,Volga Blue Extra Dark Granite,Labradorit Volga Blue Granite,Labradorit Blue Granite,Volga Extra Blue Granite,In China Stone Market:皇家蓝(Huángjiā Lán),乌克兰钻(Wūkèlán Zuān)Volga Black Granite,Blue Volga Granite,Volga Blue Extra Dark Granite,Labradorit Volga Blue Granite,Labradorit Blue Granite,Volga Extra Blue Granite,In China Stone Market:皇家蓝(Huángjiā Lán),乌克兰钻(Wūkèlán Zuān)
Ukraine - Granite
Additional Names:White Thunder Granite,Thunder GraniteWhite Thunder Granite,Thunder Granite
Brazil - Granite
Can Spain's Monte Bianco Granite be used in a kitchen?Yes, Spains Monte Bianco Granite can be used in a kitchen. Granite is a very durable and stain-resistant material, which makes it a popular choice for kitchen countertops. However, it is important to properly seal and maintain granite to prevent any damage or discoloration. It is also recommended to use cutting boards and trivets to protect the surface from scratches and heat.Read More
Can Brazil's Blue Planeta Granite be used in wall coverings?Yes, Brazils Blue Planeta Granite can be used in wall coverings. Granite is a popular choice for wall coverings due to its durability, aesthetic appeal, and resistance to moisture and stains. Blue Planeta Granite, with its unique blue and white patterns, can be a striking option for wall coverings in various interior or exterior applications.Read More
Can Canada's Canadian Red Granite be used in a bathroom?Yes, Canadian Red Granite can be used in a bathroom as it is a durable and moisture-resistant natural stone. It is commonly used for countertops, tiles, and shower surrounds in bathrooms. However, it is recommended to seal the granite periodically to prevent staining.Read More
Can Brazil's Juparana Bari Granite be used exterior applications in very windy climates?Yes, Brazils Juparana Bari Granite can be used for exterior applications in very windy climates. Granite is a natural stone that is known for its durability and strength, making it suitable for outdoor use. It can withstand high winds, temperature changes, and other environmental conditions. However, its always recommended to consult with a professional or the supplier to ensure that the specific type of granite and its installation method are appropriate for the particular climate and conditions.Read More
How thick is Brazil's Amazon Brown Granite slabs?The thickness of Brazils Amazon Brown Granite slabs can vary depending on the specific supplier and customer preferences. However, common thickness options for granite slabs are typically 2 cm (0.79 inches) or 3 cm (1.18 inches).Read More
What are the advantages of a flamed Snow Flake Granite floor?There are several advantages of a flamed Snow Flake Granite floor. 1. Enhanced Slip Resistance: The flamed finish creates a textured surface that makes the floor less slippery, thus reducing the risk of accidents and making it an excellent choice for high-traffic areas or spaces prone to moisture like bathrooms or kitchens. 2. Durability: Snow Flake Granite is known for its exceptional strength and durability. The flaming process further enhances its resilience, making it resistant to scratches, stains, and damage caused by regular wear and tear. This ensures that the floor retains its beauty and functionality even after years of heavy use. 3. Unique Aesthetic Appeal: The flamed finish adds a distinctive texture to the floor, creating a rough, textured surface that enhances the natural beauty of the Snow Flake Granite. This unique aesthetic appeal can bring a touch of elegance and sophistication to any interior space. 4. Low Maintenance: Flamed Snow Flake Granite floors are relatively easy to maintain. The rough texture minimizes the visibility of dirt, dust, and small imperfections, making it easier to keep the floor clean. Regular sweeping and occasional mopping are usually sufficient to keep the floor looking its best. 5. Versatility: Snow Flake Granite is available in various shades and patterns, allowing for a wide range of design possibilities. Whether you prefer a monochromatic look or a more bold and contrasting color scheme, the flamed Snow Flake Granite floor can be tailored to suit your specific design preferences and complement any interior style. 6. Increased Property Value: Installing a flamed Snow Flake Granite floor can significantly increase the value of your property. The durability, longevity, and aesthetic appeal of this flooring option make it highly desirable for potential buyers or tenants, making it a valuable addition to any home or commercial space.Read More
Can Nigeria's Tatara Granite be used outdoors?Yes, Nigerias Tatara Granite can be used outdoors. Granite is a durable and versatile natural stone that is commonly used for exterior applications such as building facades, outdoor flooring, pavements, and landscaping. It is known for its ability to withstand various weather conditions and resist corrosion, making it suitable for outdoor use. However, it is always advisable to consult with professionals or suppliers to ensure the specific type and quality of granite being considered is suitable for outdoor installations.Read More
Can Brazil's Net Blue Granite be used in wall coverings?Yes, Brazils Net Blue Granite can be used in wall coverings. Granite is a popular material for various construction and interior design applications, including wall cladding and coverings. Its durability, resistance to scratching and staining, as well as its aesthetic appeal, make it suitable for use in both residential and commercial projects. Brazils Net Blue Granite, specifically, with its blue-gray tones and intricate patterns, can add a sophisticated and elegant touch to any wall covering application.Read More
Can Spain's Azul Trujillo Granite be used in wall coverings?Yes, Spains Azul Trujillo Granite can be used in wall coverings. Granite is a durable and versatile material commonly used for both interior and exterior applications, including wall coverings. It is known for its strength, resistance to heat, and natural beauty, making it a popular choice for various architectural and design purposes.Read More
Can India's Royal Cream Granite be used in a kitchen?Yes, Indias Royal Cream Granite can be used in a kitchen. It is a popular choice for kitchen countertops and flooring due to its durability, resistance to heat, and low maintenance requirements. It has a light cream-colored background with specks of black, brown, and gray, giving a natural stone look to the kitchen. However, it is important to note that regular sealing is necessary to prevent stains and etching on the surface.Read More
What grade is Brazil's Chocolate River Granite?Brazils Chocolate River Granite is typically considered as a commercial grade granite.Read More
Are there any granites similar to Hainan G654 Granite?Yes, there are several granites that are similar to Hainan G654 Granite. Some of them include: 1. G654 Dark Grey Granite: This is a similar granite with a dark grey color and consistent pattern. It is often used as a substitute for Hainan G654. 2. G603 Light Grey Granite: Although the color is lighter, G603 has a similar consistent pattern and is often used in projects as an alternative to Hainan G654. 3. G623 Light Grey Granite: This granite has a lighter grey color with flecks of black and white, but it can still provide a similar look to Hainan G654. 4. G684 Black Pearl Granite: While it is much darker in color, G684 Black Pearl Granite shares similar characteristics with Hainan G654, such as its consistent pattern and durability. These are just a few examples, and there are other granites in the market that resemble Hainan G654 Granite. It is always recommended to view samples or consult with a stone professional to find the best match for your specific project.Read More
Are there color variations of Norway's Skriveroy Granite?I dont have access to information about current rock formations. However, I can tell you that granite can vary in color due to differences in geological processes and mineral composition. That being said, if the specific quarry in Skriveroy has varying mineral makeup, then it is possible to have color variations of the granite.Read More
How thick is Egypt's Special Brown Granite slabs?The thickness of Egypts Special Brown Granite slabs can vary depending on the specific supplier or manufacturer. However, the typical thickness range for granite slabs is usually between 2 cm (about 0.8 inches) and 3 cm (about 1.2 inches).Read More
What is the coefficient of friction of Combed China's Shine Red Granite tiles?The coefficient of friction for Combed Chinas Shine Red Granite tiles is not readily available as it can vary depending on several factors such as the surface finish (polished, honed, etc.), the presence of any sealants or coatings, and the specific conditions in which the tiles are being used (e.g., dry or wet). It is best to consult the manufacturer or supplier of the tiles for their specific coefficient of friction information.Read More
What is the coefficient of friction of Polished China's North G603 Granite tiles?I dont have the ability to determine the coefficient of friction of a specific product unless its provided to me. However, the coefficient of friction for North G603 Granite tiles can range between 0.60 and 0.90 depending on the specific finish and surface texture of the tiles. Its recommended to check with the manufacturer or supplier for the exact coefficient of friction of their Polished Chinas North G603 Granite tiles.Read More
What grade is France's Comblanchien Granite Limestone?Comblanchien Granite Limestone is classified as Grade A limestone.Read More
Can India's White Carlino Granite be used in a kitchen?Yes, Indias White Carlino Granite can be used in a kitchen. It is a durable and heat-resistant material that is suitable for kitchen countertops, backsplashes, and flooring. However, it is important to properly seal the granite to avoid staining and to regularly maintain and clean the surface to prevent damage.Read More
Is Brazil's Kalix River Granite an expensive stone?As of my knowledge cutoff in 2021, Kalix River Granite from Brazil is considered to be a mid-range priced stone. It is not as expensive as some rare and luxurious stones, but it also isnt as affordable as more common ones. The price of Kalix River Granite can vary depending on factors such as quality, availability, and market demand. It is always recommended to check with local suppliers or stone professionals for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information.Read More
Are there color variations of Uruguay's Negro Nap Granite?I do not have any visual abilities. However, I can tell you that Negro Nap Granite is a black granite, and as far as I know, there are no color variations of it.Read More