Vastad Granite

Vastad Granite is a stunning Swedish stone known for its distinctive and visually captivating appearance. It features a dark silver gray background, providing a sophisticated and neutral base. The granite is adorned with a unique red wavy spot pattern, creating a striking contrast against the dark background. The waves and patterns of red contribute to the stone's beauty and uniqueness.
Quarried in Askered, Vastad, Halmstad, Hallands Lan, Sweden, Vastad Granite is characterized not only by its multicolored red hues but also by the presence of black encrustations, which add depth and interest to the overall aesthetic. The combination of dark gray, vibrant red, and black elements makes Vastad Granite a versatile and attractive choice for a variety of applications, including countertops, flooring, and decorative elements in both interior and exterior settings. The bold and dynamic features of Vastad Granite make it an eye-catching option for those seeking a distinctive and elegant natural stone for their design projects.
Technical properties Standard Unit
Compressive strength EN 1926 MPa 191
Flexural strength EN 12372 MPa 21,7
Abrasion resistance, Bohme DIN 52 108 1) cm3/50 cm2 5,0
Abrasion resistance, Bohme EN 14157 2) mm3 5045
Water absorption EN 13755 weight % 0,1
Apparent density EN 1936 kg/m3 2680
Breaking load at dowel holes EN 13364 N 4350
Slip resistance, honed surface EN 14231 SRV, dry 49
Slip resistance, honed surface EN 14231 SRV, wet 12
Rupture energy, Thickness: 21 mm EN 14158 J 3,0
Petrographic composition EN 12407*
Quartz % 41
Potassium feldspar % 26
Plagioclase % 22
Amphibole % 8
Tested by SP, Swedish National Testing and Research Institute

Can Sweden's Vastad Granit Granite be used outdoors?

What grade is Sweden's Vastad Granit Granite?

How thick is Sweden's Vastad Granit Granite slabs?

What is the coefficient of friction of Filled Sweden's Vastad Granit Granite tiles?

Are there color variations of Sweden's Vastad Granit Granite?

Can Sweden's Vastad Granit Granite be used in a bathroom?

Is Sweden's Vastad Granit Granite an expensive stone?

What is the average density of Sweden's Vastad Granit Granite?

Can Sweden's Vastad Granit Granite be used in landscaping?

Can Sweden's Vastad Granit Granite be used exterior applications in cold climates?
The request includes: 1. surface finished, size 2. quantity required