Moleanos M13 Limestone

Moleanos M13 Limestone is a medium to fine-grain natural stone characterized by tiny fossil segments and a distinct grains pattern. This earthy beige limestone is celebrated for its warm beige hue and subtle, elegant natural patterns, which add a timeless charm to any design. Quarried in Portugal, Moleanos M13 Limestone is highly versatile and suitable for a wide range of applications, including flooring, wall cladding, countertops, and decorative elements, both indoors and outdoors. Its durability and classic appearance make it a favored choice for architectural and design projects worldwide.

Does Moleanos M13 Limestone countertop stain easily?

How thick should a Moleanos M13 Limestone stair step be?

Is Moleanos M13 Limestone countertop heat resistant?

How can I permanently seal Moleanos M13 Limestone stair steps and risers?

What backsplash tile looks good with Moleanos M13 Limestone countertop?

How to make Moleanos M13 Limestone stairs not slippery?

Does water permanently stain Moleanos M13 Limestone kitchen countertop?

Is 2cm thick Moleanos M13 Limestone good for kitchen countertops?

Is vinegar ok to use on Moleanos M13 Limestone countertop?
The request includes: 1. surface finished, size 2. quantity required