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Questions & Answers on Beige Artificial Stone Sinks
What is the standard size of a kitchen sink?
Posted by Visitor
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The most common sizes for a kitchen sink are 30" or 33", however a standard size could measure anywhere between 24" and 36" in length. The bulk of what you find while shopping will fall within this size range. Generally, sinks up to 30" will contain one large single bowl.
Answered by StoneContact
What does drop-in sink, overmount sink mean?
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Also called top-mount or drop-in sinks, overmount sinks have a lip that sits above, and covers a small area of, the countertop.
Answered by StoneContact
How do I choose a sink size?
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To determine the maximum sink size for your base cabinet, measure the interior of your cabinet and subtract two to three inches from each dimension. A 36″ base cabinet can handle a 33″ sink at most; a 30″ cabinet should be fitted with a sink no larger than 27″ wide.
Answered by StoneContact
Can an Overmount sink be Undermounted?
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Replacing an overmount sink with an undermount sink will hide the sink lip underneath a countertop and provide clean, modern lines. Replacement steps involve disconnecting plumbing, removal of the old overmount sink, installing the new sink and reconnecting the plumbing.
Answered by StoneContact
Which is better single or double kitchen sink?
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While a double sink needs to be large enough to accommodate two bowls, single bowl sinks can take up relatively little space. Therefore, single bowl sinks are more useful for things like washing large pots or babies, while a double bowl sink has more options for how to use the sink.
Answered by StoneContact
Can I use bleach on a ceramic sink?
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Do not use bleach on ceramic sinks because it can ruin the finish. Avoid heavily abrasive products, such as bristle brushes and scouring powder. Strong abrasives etch the ceramic so that it traps dirt and becomes dull instead of shiny white.
Answered by StoneContact
How do I get grey marks off my ceramic sink?
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Steps to Remove the Marks:Begin by sprinkling baking soda over the surfaces that are marked. It may help to spray the sink lightly with water first, so the baking soda will stick. Spray the surface lightly with Windex. Scrub with a soft cloth or sponge until the stains are removed. Repeat as necessary.
Answered by StoneContact
Is porcelain or ceramic sink better?
Posted by Visitor
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Porcelain sinks are much more durable than ceramic sinks, and the reason is that porcelain contains steel. Secondly, it is heated at high temperatures and goes under considerable pressure. Thus, porcelain comes out a lot stronger than ceramic. So, in the porcelain sink vs ceramic sink debate, porcelain is the winner.
Answered by StoneContact
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