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Multi Blade Gang Saw

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  • TJBM Marble Multi Blade Gang Saw
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    FOB Price:$123000-157000

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble, Limestone, Sandstone

    Machinery Function Features:

    Our technology of gangsaw is from Italy BM company,and the technology of multiwire is from Spain nodosafer company
    It is the advanced technology in the world, and our machine can cut the slab in stable and precise,fast in efficience,save in energy
    We are well-received in domestic and overseas markets
  • Multi Blade-Diamon Gang Saw Block Cutting Machine
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    FOB Price:$135000-150000

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble, Limestone, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    The diamond frame data series is the result of the latest design application in the research and development of marble cutting machinery technology. HLKJ80/100 is a machine that USES long strokes to cut raw marble. Longer sawing frame strokes in the process provide unprecedented cutting output. And ensure the stability of cutting.
    From the beginning of development to the closing process of manufacturing, through careful study of mechanical properties and habits and cooperation with the world's best diamond tool manufacturers, this machine can not only guarantee the world's top performance in each different stone, but also have the perfect reliability of the mechanical structure and a long
    service life.
  • Gang Saw for Marble Stone Block
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    FOB Price:

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble

    Machinery Function Features:

    Eaststar marble gang saw with the best quality and good structures, The structure of eaststar gang saw with a middle connecting beam is connected with four vertical columns to ensure the maximum stability and the sustained mechanical pressure in the intensity-resisting operation process. Only one accurate and precision optimal solution for acceleration is to make connecting rods move horizontally together with saw blades along one axis. This means that mechanical thrust is centralized in the same direction, and is not dispersed to other directions. Marble blocks are fixed on a lifting platform. The lifting platform operates on two flat and two rhombus vertical guide rails. The flat and rhombus rails prevent the vertical surface from being deviated or inclined. An encoder controls the horizontal surface of the lifting platform. Our gang saw with high capacity, the cutting speed can be 50-1000 mm/ hour.
  • G-2500 Gang Saw
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    FOB Price:$139000-150000

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble, Limestone, Slate, Onyx, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    The best gang saw made in China!
  • TAURUS-80 Gangsaw Machine- Multi Blade Gang Saw
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    FOB Price:€25600-256000

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble, Limestone, Slate, Basalt, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    Taurus-80 has a special design that transforms marble, beige, basalt blocks and rubble into slabs with minimal waste.
    Corrosion which shortens the life span of machines due to water and dirt, is prevented via hot-dip galvanizing. 400-500°C hot-dip galvanize reaches to every spot that regular dye might fail to cover and lengthens the life span of the machine up to 100-120 years by preventing corrosion. Two block cars and a transfer car are hot-dip galvanized as well.
    A rigid, vibration free structure is the well-known key for a precise cut. Connecting rods,
    eccentrics and bearings are made of monoblock steel casting. This feature promises
    precise cut. It is proven with an interesting test which is recognized as a challenge in stone
    industry: When a coin is placed vertically on a high point of a gangsaw where it is likely
    to vibrate the most, it stays stable even during fastest cutting mode.
    Although swinging system is proven to be superior to other systems worldwide, monoblock cast steel swing arms are unique to Toksel. Connecting rods which are usually made of weld platinum, are also made of monoblock cast steel in Taurus-80.
    Another feature that provides precise cutting is PLC system which offers various modes for
    cutting. For instance you can produce slabs from smaller unshapely rocks and rubbles with
    minimum wastage in sensitive mode.
    To prevent tremendous damages due to cracks in stone blocks, Taurus-80 quickly stops thanks to switches in the front and back. Toksel is the first to use 132 kw. inverters to make this emergency stop and a smooth start possible.
    When it comes to energy saving, besides the advantage of the friction-free swinging system, Toksel added high efficiency IE3 motors.
    Unlike other gangsaw machines, Taurus-80 has automatic lubrication system instead of manual lubrication. Since the water valves are usually located inconveniently on the top of the machines, staff often forget to shut it off. Another admirable feature of Taurus-80 is automatic water valve.
  • 40 Diamond Gangsaw Cutting Fixed Marble Block By Lowering Blades
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble, Limestone, Onyx, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

  • 80 Blades Gangsaw Machine Block Cutting Machine
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble, Limestone, Onyx, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    Maximum block dimensions mm 3200 uz. * 2000 yük * 2000 gen.
    Blade run mm 800 mm
    Stroke per minute no 95
    Maximum cutting speed cm/min 60cm/dk
    Blade lenght mm 4300 cm
    Cutting and fast motor power kw 7.5 kW
    Main motor power kw 110 kW
    Total electric consumption kw 122 kW
    Total water consumption l/min 800lt/dk
    Weight Kgs 53000 kg
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Quartzite, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    The frame is provided with two carriages for loading and cutting of the blocks and of a transporter on rails for moving the carriage once released from the frame at the end sawing.
  • GSM 3200 Pro Marble Gangsaw Machine
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Onyx, Sandstone, Travertine

  • SKJ-80M Gang saw for marble
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble

  • Diamond Marble Gang Saw FTM80/800
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble

    Machinery Function Features:

    The FTM 80/800 range of diamond gang saw is the fruit of the application of tema frugoli 's latest designs and technology to marble cutting machinery. The ftm 80/1000 is the first gang saw in the world to use a longer stroke when cutting the marble blocks. The longer stroke offers an unprecedented output and ensures total safety through the processing steps. Through a careful development of the machinery and closed manufacture and good cooperation with the best manufacturers of diamond blades, tema frugoli has produced a machine which guarantees a top rank performance on every kind of material, perfect reliability of its structural components, and a long lifespan.
  • Multi Blade Gangsaw Machine
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw


    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Slate, Onyx, Artificial Stone, Basalt, Quartzite, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    Gangsaw Machine
  • Hydrostatic Marble Blocks Multi Blade Gang Saw Machine
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Slate, Onyx, Artificial Stone, Basalt, Quartzite, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    Hydrastatic marble gang saw
  • MAX-3500-4D Bridge Combined Block Cutting Machine(Guide Pillar Type)
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Slate, Onyx, Artificial Stone, Basalt, Quartzite, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    MAX-3500-4D Bridge Combined Block Cutting Machine(Guide Pillar Type)
  • SNIC Gang Saw 80 Blades Block Cutter
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble, Limestone, Quartzite, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    This 80-blade gangsaw is characterized by the raising of the block during the sawing phase.
    General characteristics:
    Flywheel in two halves diameter 3.5m.
    Main battery shaft and crank made of high resistance forged steel, rotating in high quality spherical roller bearings.
    The main plummer block, made of cast steel, is completely immersed into the concrete, providing a very strong anchorage to the foundations thus enabling an operation free of vibrations which are dangerous to the machine and the diamond blades.
    The main motor is powered through a soft starter to control the starting speed and time.
    The connecting rod, made of high quality steel, guarantees a high resistance to the dynamic stresses generated.
    The main frame is totally fabricated from high strength steel, dimensioned to guarantee an absolute rigidity and stability under load.
    The sliding system is made of specially designed sliders, completely immersed in oil.
    The motorized block carrying trolley enters the machine from the front side and is automatically locked to the lifting platform as it starts to lift. This lifting motion is driven by steel screws and alloyed nuts with trapezoidal threads, amply dimensioned. The sliders on the columns, prismatic and flat, are made of Teflon. The whole lifting system is protected by polyurethane bellows.
    The lifting platform speed variation is achieved by a group of gearboxes and clutches controlled by an inverter.
    The nuts and sliders of the lifting platform are equipped with safety devices that stop the machine as soon as the wear becomes excessive.
    The machine stops automatically if there is a drop of pressure in the cooling water.
    The main chassis is equipped with a set of steps and passage ways, anti-slip and anti-accidents with pipe rails all around, to allow access to the top part of the machine.
  • Diamond Gang Saws
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    Diamond gang saws are designed for the three types of machines of the market: single saws, vertical multiple gang saws and horizontal multiple gang saws.
    While the slow ones work at 80 strokes per minute, the fast ones work at 120 strokes per minute.
    It is designed for cutting marbles, sandstones, siliceous sandstones, etc. The blond and the diamond get adapted to the material and the machine.
    An accurate assembly and tensioning of the gang saws ensures a high quality and the cutting speed as well as a high performance required.
  • DGS1800 Marble Strips Gang Saw
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Quartzite, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    DGS1800: Marble strips gang saw
    Marble gangsaw, version whit the lifting of the block, specifically designed for the cut of layers into strips up to a height of 650 mm.
    The layer is fixed on the platform by a vacuum system which allows the perfect anchoring of the material during the cutting solicitation. When the blades are completely inside the material, an automatic oleodinamic pusher starts in order to make the strips compact in to keep the stability even if the material is fragile or defective.
  • Gangsaw Machine
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Sandstone, Travertine

  • Diamond Marble Gang Saw FTM80/1000
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble

    Machinery Function Features:

    The FTM 80/1000 range of diamond gang saw is the fruit of the application of tema frugoli 's latest designs and technology to marble cutting machinery. The ftm 80/1000 is the first gang saw in the world to use a longer stroke when cutting the marble blocks. The longer stroke offers an unprecedented output and ensures total safety through the processing steps. Through a careful development of the machinery and closed manufacture and good cooperation with the best manufacturers of diamond blades, tema frugoli has produced a machine which guarantees a top rank performance on every kind of material, perfect reliability of its structural components, and a long lifespan.
  • KTM 80/100 Multi Blade Gang Saw Machine
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble, Limestone, Slate, Onyx, Artificial Stone, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    Multiblade (80 and 100) gang-saw to cut marble blocks into slabs from min. 15 mm. thickness up.
  • SuperMord 80 Gang Saws
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Onyx, Quartzite

  • Agm Stone Gang Saw
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Onyx, Sandstone

    Machinery Function Features:

    KT-80 designed on block lifting principle, enables to achieve of the max productivity in marble sawing. KT-80 guarantees the required stability and a constant standard in the quality of the finished product. KT-80 has rectilinear, long run motion, for fast cutting and lower diamond consumption

    A robust blade frame allows the tensioning of the diamond blades upto 12 tons each. The blade frame is the fixed position type and moved by a double connecting rod, while the block trolley installed on a platform rises towards to the blades.

    Movement of platform is provided by big screws(90mm. dia.) which are moved by a transmission group based on four angular reduction units and a central operations group, this group commands fast movement and variable speed movements of the platform.

    The platform guided on four slideways, two sidesare V shaped prismatic slides, other two sidesare in contact with flat slides. Slidesare made of stainless steel and interchangeable. Specially manufactured steel connectingrod slightened by machine tools, free from weld in order to ensure a very high resistance for dynamic stresses.

    An electrical motor through a belt transmission, moves a big cast iron flywheel (diameter of 3.5m and 9 tons) which fixed on the main axle, drives two cranks connected to blade frame.

    Blade frame is completes its motion by a specially designed system by SERMAK which consist of articulated pendulums. This system has strong bearings and bearing friction losses are minimized. Machine can be supplied with hydraulic blade tensioner.

    KT 80 is controlled by a PLC (programable logic control) system with a 10 inch Touch Screen color panel for managing to synchronize all the processing parameters by easy interface and operator controls.

    All of electrical components made of high qualitycomponents by following EEC standards. Main motor has electronic soft starting system to reduce mechanical impacts on start up.
  • SKJ-80 Gang saw for marble
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble

  • Diamond Marble Gang Saw FTM100/800
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble

    Machinery Function Features:

    The FTM 100/800 range of diamond gang saw is the fruit of the application of tema frugoli 's latest designs and technology to marble cutting machinery. The ftm 80/1000 is the first gang saw in the world to use a longer stroke when cutting the marble blocks. The longer stroke offers an unprecedented output and ensures total safety through the processing steps. Through a careful development of the machinery and closed manufacture and good cooperation with the best manufacturers of diamond blades, tema frugoli has produced a machine which guarantees a top rank performance on every kind of material, perfect reliability of its structural components, and a long lifespan.
  • Toksel Gangsaw Machine
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    Toksel Gangsaw Machine
    80 lamas
    132 kW
    88 strokes
    80 cm
  • Gangsaw Machine - GASPARI MENOTTI M450/420
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    - year 1995
    - complete of n. 2 trolleys, Bissoli electrical panel, Pemo pump 1706 and Marchetti hydraulic tensioner
  • SERIE M - Open frame gangsaws for marble blocks cutting
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble, Limestone, Onyx, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    SIMEC M40 and M50 are open-frame rectilinear motion gangsaws for the sawing of marbles and/or engineered marbles. These machines are the result of SIMEC’s great experience in manufacturing gangsaws, with thousands of marble gangsaws all over the world, and in the utilisation in the most modern CAD technologies, that allow a precise calculation of the efforts sustained by each single piece.
  • Gang Saw Machine with 80 Blades
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble, Limestone, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    Gang Saw Machine with 80 Blades
  • Marble Gang Saw Flaming Machine by Stone Tech Burn
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Onyx, Sandstone

  • SGX 100 THINCUT Multi Blade Gang Saw
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble, Limestone, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    SGX 100 THINCUT Multi Blade Gang Saw
  • Multi Blade Gangsaw Machine
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble, Limestone, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    80 lamas
    110 kW
  • Turbomord Multiblades Gang-Saw with Rectlinear Motion Block Cutter
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Basalt, Quartzite, Sandstone

    Machinery Function Features:

    This machine distinguished essentially by many innovative design and technological solutions realized through high level experience and knowledge of the problems met in the use of granite gang saws and well known by the Designer and Mordenti, has solved the sawing requirements allowing very high hourly feeds (almost triple) on class 4 granites using normal blades and metallic grit. It is thus a realization which represents a cooperation between the experience of the technicians of this field and Mordenti, a Company distinguished by the high construction reliability, which has allowed to increase considerably the hourly output of the granite gang saws, to assure machine functionality in the long run, equip it with automatic lubrication, operation and control systems together with suitable structures of the various components which guarantee limited investement and maintenance costs in relation to the production achievable.
    The important innovation and technological heart of the machine is the interesting patented mechanical application which allows the blade frame to be lifted and fed several times with the normal abrasive mixture during its wide rectilinear cutting phase and give contemporaneusly a percussion action in the descent phase.
    The combination of the lifting stroke and force action is adjustable in intensity and frequency depending on the material that is being sawn and the hourly feeds required. Furthermore, at the ends of the stroke, the blade frame rises much more than the other present gangsaws and this increases the feed of the abrasive mixture, all flexible and integrated to the results one wants to achieve.
    The combination and use of these three factors has brought a considerable advantage to granite sawing without being particularly burdensome but as a matter of fact allowing to increase remarkably the hourly feed and the sawing time of the block by bringing a considerable technological development to this field in connection with the modern production systems and absolute cutting precision also for 11 mm. thick slabs.
    The movement of the blade frame is clearly different from those presently on the market as with the patented system the stroke of rectilinear movement is adjustable and there is wide lifting in the reversal points. This allows greater contact between blades and block and a considerable supply of the abrasive mixture due to adjustable amplitude of the rectilinear stroke and rise of the blade frame.
    The patented device which eliminates the oscillating arms, silentblock and other infrastructures relative to the traditional gang saws is made up of a sector with variable radius of curvature with counter part on tempered flat guide with relative gears for the phasing of the blade frame movement. All is held in proper boxes in oil bath arranged at the ends of the frame members together with other particulars that with very rational and simple solution assure rectilinear movements of the blades and high removing capacity in time. This solution also allows to have shorter columns considering blocks of the same height. The main features that highlight the gang saw Turbomord are:
    1) High reliability and design with relevant technological innovations, respecting however the traditional concept of granite sawing.
    2) Automatic closed circuit oil lubrication system.
    3) Control board with logic P.L.C. program.
    4) Elimination of the connecting rod adjustment in the feed stages.
    5) Almost absolute absence of maintenance.
    6) Design in compliance with the environmental protection rules due to absence of oily residuals and for the possibility to install soundproof panels on request.
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    Our SCH80 Gang Saw machine is created for rapid cutting of natural stone blocks with cast iron flywheel & double connecting rods which has a linear movement to minimize vibration.
    Our machine is wagon uplift type. The blades frame is at a fixed height and the block transport trolley is raised towards the diamond blades by synchronized screw shaft system. Our Multi Blade Gang Saw Machine which works in the logic of mass production, provides energy efficiency thanks to excellent harmony between counterweighted cranks & connecting rods, moving diamond blade holder & tension tie rods.
    It is designed as 2 pieces of cutting wagons + 1 piece of transfer wagon line + 2 pieces of waiting station.
    The movement of the cutting wagon is provided by a trapezoidal screw with a diameter of 90 mm and a pitch of 12 mm, and the installed system has a block lifting capacity of 40 tons.
    The block raising station is locked with zigzag wedges strongly. The station moves on two rigid chrome plated prismatic and two flat slides connected to 4 columns, preventing any deviation in the vertical axis.
    80 flat diamond blades are connected to the hydraulic tensioning system that provides equal tension to each blade with tension tie rods.
    There is an automatic brake stop, audible and light alarm system, if the oil is finished, the main bearings break down, the plate is broken, the flywheel speed decreased or any problem occurs.
    PLC Control panel, Telemecanique brand materials, SKF or FAG Bearing.
    Roller bearing guide way system working in the oil pool (saves energy compared to friction slides, has a longer life).
    Power transmission between main engine and flywheel is provided by energy efficient multiple belt system.
    When the block reaches a certain height during cutting (distance adjustable system), the machine automatically stops to fix the plates and the system gives an alarm.
    The lifting speed of the block to be cut can be adjusted automatically according to the hardness of the stone. Thanks to the sensors, cutting is made a constant pressure between multi blade saws and stone block.
    The up and down movement of the cutting wagon is on the square of friction resistant precision guides (bronze slides) without vibration.
    All the mechanical parts and gears we used in our machines are our own production and there is no shortage of spare parts.
    Our machine is covered by a 1 year warranty for electronic parts and 2 years for mechanics. And we give spare parts supply guarantee for next 10 years.
  • Mimmak Mermer Makinalari Ve Granit Makineler Gang Saw
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Onyx, Sandstone, Travertine

  • OZKM80 80-Blades Gangsaw Block Cutting Machine, Multi Blade Gang Saw
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble, Limestone, Onyx, Quartzite, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    Özteknik Makine manufactures OZKM80 gang-saw, equipped with maximum 80 diamond blades, to transform a stone block to many slabs simultaneously and efficiently.
    Özteknik Makine’s OZKM80 gang-saws employ components that are carefully designed to transfer the movement to the blade rack, flywheel and the connecting rods. The 3.5 meter flywheel is of cast iron, and guarantees a constant cutting speed. Flywheel drive shaft, produced from steel, and two cast iron supports and two spherical roller bearings on both sides ensure the flywheel’s continuous motion.
    The blade holder, or blade rack, is made of steel plates joined solidly together, and slides on straight articulated guides that require little to no maintenance.
    Two cranks on the flywheel driveshaft drive the two connecting rods that transfers the movement to the blade rack. The connecting rods are made out of machined steel monoblock. With this way, power and thrust is transferred to the blade holder via two rods instead of one. In addition, any risk of deviation in the movement of blade holder is therefore removed.
  • Diamond Marble Gang Saw FGKJ-132/800
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    This frame-saw "DIAMOND FGKJ-132/800" is used in workshops and this machine allows sawing different kinds of marble blocks in plates of various thicknesses, Used for the big production of stone slab. Tools used are steel blades with sintered diamond plates.

    The main motor adopts a high-efficiency energy saving motor, connect with the hydraulic coupler to make sure the energy saving. it adopts a large fly wheel o increase the running stability. PLC control system. make sure the main motor is working on constant power, the block up speed can be automatic adjusted by PLC control system to fit the different hardness. Sole design machine system and electriacal system make sure our machine will be the most high-efficiency.

    All the main bearing adopts Japanese NSK brand, Sweden SKF brand make sure long service life and excellent performance.

    Different size machine suitable for different size block processing request.
  • gang saw machine for marble block cutting 80/100 blades
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw


    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble

    Machinery Function Features:

    Diamond frame saw, also known as diamond gang saw, marble frame saw, diamond saw, is sawing

    Medium, soft and hard marble blocks, sandstone, synthetic stone, etc. to obtain high-efficiency processing equipment for large plates, is one of the two mainstream equipment for the production of stone slabs.
  • Diamond Marble Gang Saw FGKJ-120/800
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    This frame-saw "DIAMOND FGKJ-120/800" is used in workshops and this machine allows sawing different kinds of marble blocks in plates of various thicknesses, Used for the big production of stone slab. Tools used are steel blades with sintered diamond plates.

    The main motor adopts a high-efficiency energy saving motor, connect with the hydraulic coupler to make sure the energy saving. it adopts a large fly wheel o increase the running stability. PLC control system. make sure the main motor is working on constant power, the block up speed can be automatic adjusted by PLC control system to fit the different hardness. Sole design machine system and electriacal system make sure our machine will be the most high-efficiency.

    All the main bearing adopts Japanese NSK brand, Sweden SKF brand make sure long service life and excellent performance.

    Different size machine suitable for different size block processing request.
  • Diamond Marble Gang Saw FGKJ-100/800
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    This frame-saw "DIAMOND FGKJ-100/800" is used in workshops and this machine allows sawing different kinds of marble blocks in plates of various thicknesses, Used for the big production of stone slab. Tools used are steel blades with sintered diamond plates.

    The main motor adopts a high-efficiency energy saving motor, connect with the hydraulic coupler to make sure the energy saving. it adopts a large fly wheel o increase the running stability. PLC control system. make sure the main motor is working on constant power, the block up speed can be automatic adjusted by PLC control system to fit the different hardness. Sole design machine system and electriacal system make sure our machine will be the most high-efficiency.

    All the main bearing adopts Japanese NSK brand, Sweden SKF brand make sure long service life and excellent performance.
    Different size machine suitable for different size block processing request.
  • Diamond Marble Gang Saw FGKJ-90/800
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    This frame-saw "DIAMOND FGKJ-90/800" is used in workshops and this machine allows sawing different kinds of marble blocks in plates of various thicknesses, Used for the big production of stone slab. Tools used are steel blades with sintered diamond plates.

    The main motor adopts a high-efficiency energy saving motor, connect with the hydraulic coupler to make sure the energy saving. it adopts a large fly wheel o increase the running stability. PLC control system. make sure the main motor is working on constant power, the block up speed can be automatic adjusted by PLC control system to fit the different hardness. Sole design machine system and electriacal system make sure our machine will be the most high-efficiency.

    All the main bearing adopts Japanese NSK brand, Sweden SKF brand make sure long service life and excellent performance.
    Different size machine suitable for different size block processing request.
  • MAX-3500-4D Bridge Combined Block Cutting Machine(Guide Pillar Type)
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Slate, Onyx, Artificial Stone, Basalt, Quartzite, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    MAX-3500-4D Bridge Combined Block Cutting Machine(Guide Pillar Type)
  • Used Marble Gang Saw Cutting Machine
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble

  • Used Multi Blade BM Gangsaw- 80 Blades
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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Marble, Onyx, Artificial Stone, Travertine

     Gangsaw market

    Lebanon Lebanon

    Gangsaw market

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    Type: Stone Factory MachinesStone Block Cutting MachinesMulti Blade Gang Saw

    Warranty: 12 Months

    Usage: Granite, Marble, Limestone, Sandstone, Travertine

    Machinery Function Features:

    Our SCH80 Gang Saw machine is created for rapid cutting of natural stone blocks with cast iron flywheel & double connecting rods which has a linear movement to minimize vibration.
    Our machine is wagon uplift type. The blades frame is at a fixed height and the block transport trolley is raised towards the diamond blades by synchronized screw shaft system. Our Multi Blade Gang Saw Machine which works in the logic of mass production, provides energy efficiency thanks to excellent harmony between counterweighted cranks & connecting rods, moving diamond blade holder & tension tie rods.
    It is designed as 2 pieces of cutting wagons + 1 piece of transfer wagon line + 2 pieces of waiting station.
    The movement of the cutting wagon is provided by a trapezoidal screw with a diameter of 90 mm and a pitch of 12 mm, and the installed system has a block lifting capacity of 40 tons.
    The block raising station is locked with zigzag wedges strongly. The station moves on two rigid chrome plated prismatic and two flat slides connected to 4 columns, preventing any deviation in the vertical axis.
    80 flat diamond blades are connected to the hydraulic tensioning system that provides equal tension to each blade with tension tie rods.
    There is an automatic brake stop, audible and light alarm system, if the oil is finished, the main bearings break down, the plate is broken, the flywheel speed decreased or any problem occurs.
    PLC Control panel, Telemecanique brand materials, SKF or FAG Bearing.
    Roller bearing guide way system working in the oil pool (saves energy compared to friction slides, has a longer life).
    Power transmission between main engine and flywheel is provided by energy efficient multiple belt system.
    When the block reaches a certain height during cutting (distance adjustable system), the machine automatically stops to fix the plates and the system gives an alarm.
    The lifting speed of the block to be cut can be adjusted automatically according to the hardness of the stone. Thanks to the sensors, cutting is made a constant pressure between multi blade saws and stone block.
    The up and down movement of the cutting wagon is on the square of friction resistant precision guides (bronze slides) without vibration.
    All the mechanical parts and gears we used in our machines are our own production and there is no shortage of spare parts.
    Our machine is covered by a 1 year warranty for electronic parts and 2 years for mechanics. And we give spare parts supply guarantee for next 10 years.

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