Rot Bohus Skarstad Granit
Technical properties --Standard -- Unit --Result
Comrpessive strength EN 1926 Mpa 214
Flexural strength EN 12372 Mpa 14,0
Abrasion resistance, Boehme DIN 52108 cm3/50cm2 5,2
Abrasion resistance, Boehme EN 14157 mm3 5211
Water absorption EN 13755 vikt % 0,2
Apparent density EN 1936 kg/m3 2640
Breaking load at dowel holes EN 13364 N 2550
Slip resistance, honed surface EN 14231 SRV, dry 72
Slip resistance, honed surface EN 14231 SRV, wet 42
Rupture energy EN 14158 J 5,5
Petrographic composition EN 12407*
Potassium feldspar % 31
Plagioclase % 31
Quarz % 31
Biotite % 3
How thick is Sweden's Rot Bohus Skarstad Granit Granite slabs?
Are there color variations of Sweden's Rot Bohus Skarstad Granit Granite?
Can Sweden's Rot Bohus Skarstad Granit Granite be used in landscaping?
Can Sweden's Rot Bohus Skarstad Granit Granite be used in a office?
Can Sweden's Rot Bohus Skarstad Granit Granite be used exterior applications in very windy climates?
What is the coefficient of friction of Chiseled Sweden's Rot Bohus Skarstad Granit Granite tiles?
Is Sweden's Rot Bohus Skarstad Granit Granite an expensive stone?
The request includes: 1. surface finished, size 2. quantity required